Monday, October 12, 2009

YIPPEE With a huge question mark at the back?

Hey saying hey guys i actually sounds reallyyy gay and i actually sound as if people actually read my blog..I am sadly mistaken..In fact sad describes everything.But still i still have the right to act as if my blog is popular with people right?Anyway today PMR is over.We had Kemahiran Hidup today which is easily my worst subject but still i think i can get A although i didnt really study for it.The paper was easy i guess.Okay anyway im posting something up today for the people who like me,dont feel anything after PMR..I should be feeling over the moon right but im not?Its just PMR.So what should i do to liven up the mood?Okay today im going to lift your spirit by telling you some really long and not really funny jokes.This is not only to fill up the huge void in your daily routine which will now be empty.

1)Two Chinese buisnessmen were discussing insurance."You need Fire insurance burglary insurance and flood insurance."said Ah Boon.
The other chinese guy replied"Fire and theft burglary i can understand lahhh...But the flood insurance?How do you start a floood?DUDUDCHHHH(DRUM ROLL)

2)A middle aged couple were sleeping in their bed..At 2 a.m the doorbell rang.Ali went down to see who was it.A man replied its the Bangsar strangler open up..Im coming for you.Ali went up to bed and said to his wife"Honey its for you"DuDUGHCH

The last joke for the day
3) In an anatomy class,a young woman is called upon to name the three most important parts of the male body.First shew stammered theres the brain.Second she continued there is the heard..The third thing..the third thing ..She looked hopelessly confused . The third thing ive had it on my fingertips.Ive had it on the tip of my tongue..Ive had it drilled into me a thousand times..But i just cant remember it.....DUDUDGHCHHH(SILENCE AMONG GIRL AUDIENCE)

Kay anyway thats all for today guys..Sorry i havent updated my blog for a long time.Have been studying for PMR(It is just an excuse.I just didnt want to write on my bloody lameass blog.)


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