Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dont be like me.Be Lame..:D

Hey guys.Whats up.Today i had the most awesome night wei.I am serious.Fine fine you got me..My night wreaked.My internet got cut off so i had to find something to do to keep myself busy right??So while you guys were busy chatting/Surfing the net or watching porn videos.This is what i was doing?A kind reminder to all you readers do not try this at home.So first i decided to watch Gone baby gone.Btw an awesome/not so awesome movie but unique.We all get this urge right when we watch movies?We must have something awesome to drink and eat.So i went to the kitchen.As i opened the kitchen cabinet Kabboong right in front of my eyes was a Johnny Walker Black Label.So i took a glass,threw in large squarish ice cubes and opened a can of tonic.I just put a little bit like really little of johnny walker just to try.Reminder people might call me gay but i tried it,i didnt really like it and after drinking quater i threw it away.Then,I thought maybe an ice blended would be nice.So i thought why dont i get my blender?After all who cares if the blades break.Apparently i had bigger problems than that..I didnt even have a blender.Well I didnt find it anyway.So then i used took out the ice from the freezer and used that tumbuk thingy to tumbuk my ice..:D and mix my Milo Tumbuk.After i did that i put my milo in a cup.I came back to my computer room to sit down,watch a nice movie and enjoy my nice milo Ice Tumbuk.Then as i drank it..Guess what happened?My mouth burst into flames.Being the smart guy i am,I forgot that the tumbuk thingy is where my maid pounds chilli and stuff like that.So my milo was bloody spicy.Ugh felt like the worst milo i have ever drank.Then i made something which i knew can never be wrong.Maggi Goreng Instant...:D.After i ate it,i drank like 2 big bottles of water.Guys please dont be as dumb as me.Ok BYE

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