Monday, October 19, 2009


HALLOO Ahh Mammii...Come pick me up at 8 wor..Im introducing my new post today the same way as how weng answered his phone when his "MAMIII" called."Why am i introducing myself this way?"you might be thinking to exaggerating you guys probably dont even think lahh..who am i kidding.So today im going to talk to you guys about phones.KA Ling-Ka Ling,we hear phones ring?Some of you indians might feel insulted keling keling but we indians must accept the fact....We did sell ice creams once upon atime..Now all you Chinamen lauging your ass off,besides talking about phones i was also talking about my friends auntie..Ong Ka Ling..So anyway why are phones so important?Well the reasons are obvious.If you all say phones are about calling your parents during an emergency your totally wrong..Why waste credit lah...If your stranded in the middle of the night..instead of using your phone you can always walk back.You might run the risk of getting raped.But its just your virginity right ,not your credit.So what are phones for?PRANKK CALLS LAHH...pfft it was so obvious.Anyway today jon made a prank call and it was off the hook man.Who am i kidding they just wasted my bloody credit.Barat for some reason took my phone and wanted to call sarah even though she knows my number..and then tak jadi...So instead they called koshla.Jon didnt even change his slang.Omg so funnn..xD,,Moral of the story let your friends finish of your credit.So you can walk back when you are stranded
*Pfft=gay(apparently ppl have dreams that i am gay)this proves you might be right..xD

Oh yeah Bryan if your pissed that i stole your picture from your blog..This is Msia man..Where cetak rompak always happens.So tough luck..Jk la if your pissed sorry wei..but i dont have any pics of weng

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