Thursday, October 22, 2009

Im sorry

Hey guys..Im posting another post today..WAIIITTTTT..dont go..I hope my post today wont be as boring as yesterdays post.Well your probably thinking to yourself "He is right.How can any post get any worst"Anyway today my topic is about Malaysians.Today i was reading the star online and i stumbled upon something really interesting..Weng i know your opening your eyes wide right now but nope its not about MCA and Ong Tee Keat wanting to work together with his former deputy Chua Soi Lek however it is about this poll.Should condoms be sold in convinience stores.Surprisingly..look at the results.Very cool huh..We Malaysians are horny..Guess what i voted for?:D


Should condoms be sold in convenience stores?

It should only be sold to those above 18

Ok bye

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