Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When do we usually use the word loser.Usually its when someone loses or does something wrong or embaressing.However losing is an integral part of life.Without losing we will never win.Someone once said that in a is like a video game.We are bound to fail.But what we should do is restart and try again and try again until we prevail.While reading this i want you to switch on this video and listen to it.It is a very meaningful song..especially to all the Liverpool fans and even if your not it is still a very meaningful song.Listen to the lyrics carefully kay.How did i think of the topic for today?Well maybe god just wanted me to write about it.First i watched this show royal pains which had something to do with this yesterday..and after that i witnessed the liverpool match.I must say i am surprisingly not that disappointed with liverpool.Liverpool have now lost four games on the bounce but its okay.Dont sack rafa the gaffer..So guys just remember losing isnt the end of the road.

Ok Bye

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