Friday, October 30, 2009

Smart people

Sexy body guy Euvan.Anyway firstly i would just like to give a very warm welcome to Euvan for joining blogger.So besides his sexy body im sure he is very good at blogging too so check out his blog at that is that.What should i do today lah?Okay there was this guju guy(palvinas cousin)His name is Aneet Patel..So whats his brothers name?A-messy Patel..and his other brother is a slob.Hey if you think its not funny dont complain to me.Complain to Mr Russel Peters.Whatever im telling you and showing you today(the pic) is something to do with haloween.So today is haloween and bad things happen.According to andrew hong haloween is suppposed to be the day some weird with was killed.Then he went on to say something about Joan of arc.Joan of Arc though was not a witch.Anyway wht happened to me today?I woke up super early(8`clock) to go for a jog.Then as i was jogging half way my shoe broke..Weird right..Right before that i was bending down to tie my shoelace..Then this malay man whistled Phewwweww..He was checking out my ass.Im totally joking..He just asked me for directions somewhere.Luckily i didnt get kidnapped And later i will be with the rempits at AAR.Anyway moral of the story go see Euvans blog because it will be cooler than mine.You might get more sneek peeks at his sexy body.Ok Bye

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dont be like me.Be Lame..:D

Hey guys.Whats up.Today i had the most awesome night wei.I am serious.Fine fine you got me..My night wreaked.My internet got cut off so i had to find something to do to keep myself busy right??So while you guys were busy chatting/Surfing the net or watching porn videos.This is what i was doing?A kind reminder to all you readers do not try this at home.So first i decided to watch Gone baby gone.Btw an awesome/not so awesome movie but unique.We all get this urge right when we watch movies?We must have something awesome to drink and eat.So i went to the kitchen.As i opened the kitchen cabinet Kabboong right in front of my eyes was a Johnny Walker Black Label.So i took a glass,threw in large squarish ice cubes and opened a can of tonic.I just put a little bit like really little of johnny walker just to try.Reminder people might call me gay but i tried it,i didnt really like it and after drinking quater i threw it away.Then,I thought maybe an ice blended would be nice.So i thought why dont i get my blender?After all who cares if the blades break.Apparently i had bigger problems than that..I didnt even have a blender.Well I didnt find it anyway.So then i used took out the ice from the freezer and used that tumbuk thingy to tumbuk my ice..:D and mix my Milo Tumbuk.After i did that i put my milo in a cup.I came back to my computer room to sit down,watch a nice movie and enjoy my nice milo Ice Tumbuk.Then as i drank it..Guess what happened?My mouth burst into flames.Being the smart guy i am,I forgot that the tumbuk thingy is where my maid pounds chilli and stuff like that.So my milo was bloody spicy.Ugh felt like the worst milo i have ever drank.Then i made something which i knew can never be wrong.Maggi Goreng Instant...:D.After i ate it,i drank like 2 big bottles of water.Guys please dont be as dumb as me.Ok BYE

Monday, October 26, 2009


Barat is going to the Barat.Barat I know you going to UK.This is going to be a truly memoroble trip.This trip is going to mean a lot to you.Something is going to happen to you that inspires you to become very very rich.Just like in early edition i got a newspaper yesterday which said "Barat The Richest Man in the World."Wait i might have read it wrongly Maybe it was "Barat,car Thief Extraordinaire"Anyway he got a ferrari.


You`ll Never walk alone while blowing pretty bubbles in the air.Thats exactly how i feel.These are the two teams which made me win money yesterday.Both were awesome games.


I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.
They fly so high,
Nearly reach the sky,
Then like my dreams,
They fade and die.
Fortune's always hiding,
I've looked everywhere,
I'm forever blowing bubbles,
Pretty bubbles in the air.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Crash Bang Boom..That was the sound of the glass crash and breaking to pieces as barat angrily threw his glass at the table when Antonio Valencia hit the cross bar.Oh my god barat is damn macho and not a pussy right?Wrong,he accidently tipped it over and it broke.Crash bang boom also went the hearts of all Man U supporters as David Ngog slotted the ball past Van Der Sar in the 96th minute.So anyway today i had an absolutely awesome time in Social.Although i spent 36 bucks just on drinks and a little bit of chicken wings..I feel the money was well spent.Okay i won 5 bucks from barat but i bet on something stupid with akhil so yeh i didnt make any money.Yeah babe i like hot indon girls..I didnt know they could drink alcohol in Msia though.Michael Ownen welcome back to Anfield..Anyway ive just go one Phrase to say babey..Youll Never Walk Alone..
Ok Bye

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Im sorry

Hey guys..Im posting another post today..WAIIITTTTT..dont go..I hope my post today wont be as boring as yesterdays post.Well your probably thinking to yourself "He is right.How can any post get any worst"Anyway today my topic is about Malaysians.Today i was reading the star online and i stumbled upon something really interesting..Weng i know your opening your eyes wide right now but nope its not about MCA and Ong Tee Keat wanting to work together with his former deputy Chua Soi Lek however it is about this poll.Should condoms be sold in convinience stores.Surprisingly..look at the results.Very cool huh..We Malaysians are horny..Guess what i voted for?:D


Should condoms be sold in convenience stores?

It should only be sold to those above 18

Ok bye

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rafa Benitez can't be sacked. Andriy Voronin is there for the hair. And Alberto Aquilani is like a Z in Scrabble

Now i know i said that we should lose graciously and i also want to look at things at the critical yet funny side.If you watch will definitely find this amusing

random thoughts on the shambles that is Liverpool's season.

1. Alberto Aquilani is like having a 'Z' in Scrabble. You wait forever for your chance to cash in, by which point everyone else is miles ahead.

2. Given the entertainment on offer, you can see why Liverpool fans now take toys to games.

3. David Ngog is not fit to wear the shirt. Or, in fact, sell the shirt in the club shop.

4. Rafa Benitez plans all subs in advance of kick-off, rather than analysing and utilising his bench options to change its course. Why else would he take off Yossi Benayoun?

5. Steven Gerrard pulls his groin so often because his team-mates aren't good enough to pass the bloody thing to his feet.

6. Andriy Voronin's one meaningful role is to make Lucas' hairstyle look less awful.

7. That gives Voronin one meaningful role more than Ryan Babel.

8. Replacing Alvaro Arbeloa with Glen Johnson has ruined Liverpool's defence.

9. Neither Tom Hicks nor George Gillett is powerful enough to sack Benitez.

10. Liverpool will definitely beat Manchester United on Sunday.


When do we usually use the word loser.Usually its when someone loses or does something wrong or embaressing.However losing is an integral part of life.Without losing we will never win.Someone once said that in a is like a video game.We are bound to fail.But what we should do is restart and try again and try again until we prevail.While reading this i want you to switch on this video and listen to it.It is a very meaningful song..especially to all the Liverpool fans and even if your not it is still a very meaningful song.Listen to the lyrics carefully kay.How did i think of the topic for today?Well maybe god just wanted me to write about it.First i watched this show royal pains which had something to do with this yesterday..and after that i witnessed the liverpool match.I must say i am surprisingly not that disappointed with liverpool.Liverpool have now lost four games on the bounce but its okay.Dont sack rafa the gaffer..So guys just remember losing isnt the end of the road.

Ok Bye

Monday, October 19, 2009


HALLOO Ahh Mammii...Come pick me up at 8 wor..Im introducing my new post today the same way as how weng answered his phone when his "MAMIII" called."Why am i introducing myself this way?"you might be thinking to exaggerating you guys probably dont even think lahh..who am i kidding.So today im going to talk to you guys about phones.KA Ling-Ka Ling,we hear phones ring?Some of you indians might feel insulted keling keling but we indians must accept the fact....We did sell ice creams once upon atime..Now all you Chinamen lauging your ass off,besides talking about phones i was also talking about my friends auntie..Ong Ka Ling..So anyway why are phones so important?Well the reasons are obvious.If you all say phones are about calling your parents during an emergency your totally wrong..Why waste credit lah...If your stranded in the middle of the night..instead of using your phone you can always walk back.You might run the risk of getting raped.But its just your virginity right ,not your credit.So what are phones for?PRANKK CALLS LAHH...pfft it was so obvious.Anyway today jon made a prank call and it was off the hook man.Who am i kidding they just wasted my bloody credit.Barat for some reason took my phone and wanted to call sarah even though she knows my number..and then tak jadi...So instead they called koshla.Jon didnt even change his slang.Omg so funnn..xD,,Moral of the story let your friends finish of your credit.So you can walk back when you are stranded
*Pfft=gay(apparently ppl have dreams that i am gay)this proves you might be right..xD

Oh yeah Bryan if your pissed that i stole your picture from your blog..This is Msia man..Where cetak rompak always happens.So tough luck..Jk la if your pissed sorry wei..but i dont have any pics of weng

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Hey guys im sure your still tearing from my last post.So funny right?Ha-ha-ha...Its better to try and fail rather than to not try right?Or is it ?Well there was this wise man who once gave contradicting statements."If you dont know ,just say dont know..Dont try and guess!"was his first statement.On another occasion when someone was not sure of something and answered him DONT KNOW..he replied"You must be brave to answer questions. Dont be scared of getting it wrong. Okay so that leads me to my topic for today..which is totally unrelated.I was just in the mood to type something.Now you must be looking at the computer screens with this reaction"Blink Blink"in shock.Well thats the point of my blog to stir your emotions. RAWRRRR....okay my topic for today is the imporatance of being idle...Idle?"Some of you might be thinking"I cant speak english..I dont know what idle means.."MOU SHIO KON"If you dont know just mutter this to your self Tiu NGO...If you dont know english or chinese.. PARAVALLAI,TAKPE...Anyway the meaning of idle means

: lacking worth or basis : vain
2 : not occupied or employed: as a : having no employment : inactive b : not turned to normal or appropriate use c : not scheduled to compete
3 a
: shiftless, lazy b : having no evident lawful means of support

I found it from the bloody dick tiu nary and just pasted la..Now we will be idle because we wont have any work to do since PMR is in 2 weeks.Idling is very important to our mind body and soul..PMR students 09 what im trying to say is...OH GOD IVE SAID TOO MUCH..ERM MY COMPUTER JUST...BANNNGGGSSS(it froze)thats why i can still keyboard is on fire..arhhh..(I have a computer chip on my face)(Sorry for the temporary cacatness of my site..The people here at Gsd45 will adress these problems at never o`clock) Bye bye assholes
For the trademark

Monday, October 12, 2009

YIPPEE With a huge question mark at the back?

Hey saying hey guys i actually sounds reallyyy gay and i actually sound as if people actually read my blog..I am sadly mistaken..In fact sad describes everything.But still i still have the right to act as if my blog is popular with people right?Anyway today PMR is over.We had Kemahiran Hidup today which is easily my worst subject but still i think i can get A although i didnt really study for it.The paper was easy i guess.Okay anyway im posting something up today for the people who like me,dont feel anything after PMR..I should be feeling over the moon right but im not?Its just PMR.So what should i do to liven up the mood?Okay today im going to lift your spirit by telling you some really long and not really funny jokes.This is not only to fill up the huge void in your daily routine which will now be empty.

1)Two Chinese buisnessmen were discussing insurance."You need Fire insurance burglary insurance and flood insurance."said Ah Boon.
The other chinese guy replied"Fire and theft burglary i can understand lahhh...But the flood insurance?How do you start a floood?DUDUDCHHHH(DRUM ROLL)

2)A middle aged couple were sleeping in their bed..At 2 a.m the doorbell rang.Ali went down to see who was it.A man replied its the Bangsar strangler open up..Im coming for you.Ali went up to bed and said to his wife"Honey its for you"DuDUGHCH

The last joke for the day
3) In an anatomy class,a young woman is called upon to name the three most important parts of the male body.First shew stammered theres the brain.Second she continued there is the heard..The third thing..the third thing ..She looked hopelessly confused . The third thing ive had it on my fingertips.Ive had it on the tip of my tongue..Ive had it drilled into me a thousand times..But i just cant remember it.....DUDUDGHCHHH(SILENCE AMONG GIRL AUDIENCE)

Kay anyway thats all for today guys..Sorry i havent updated my blog for a long time.Have been studying for PMR(It is just an excuse.I just didnt want to write on my bloody lameass blog.)