Sunday, September 20, 2009

Safety 101 with Guru Gav

Today i encountered a safety hazard.Before i tell you the moral of the story and safety tip,let me tell you what happened first.I was in the park with barat,anisha,andrew,bryan and Weng(pokemon guy).Anywhoos we were sitting down and chatting..Then my mother came to pick me up from the park.AIYO...why come la ?i can walk by myself..i thought..As i was walking back from the park to the car..This strange chinese lady who walks around with an umbrella at all hours of the day in this area walked an opened the car door...The lady opened the door and said"I want to have dinner.Want to go?"My mother was like wtf .. Mom, told the lady she needed to take me back home and she couldnt go and my mom gave the lady a stare..The lady closed the door but continued standing next to the car..I rushed into the car and went back.Now,i dont think this lady couldve caused much harm physically but you never know right?I think she is just erm a bit off her rocker.But thats besides the point..What if it were a ruthless killer who came into the car.Anyway moral of the story.. Always lock your car door especially when your waiting for someone..OK BYE

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