Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am sitting down here doing math homework that MR Raj gave in front of this screen.Because i am such a dilligent student,I am listening to music while i do it.Suddenly i just hear this guy shouting..YOUUUUUUU...and i lose my concentration.I then realise the song CRANK DAT is playing.It beats me why soulja Boy cant spell.He spells the word "that" as "DAT" but thats going off topic.Now,i am going to go more off topic. I cant even imagine why the guys at MR Raj last year would dance to the song "CRANK DAT" at Mr Raj`s party.I mean would you think and old cranky guy would listen to SOULJA BOY..Hell even i find SOULJA BOY IRRITATING..Okay anyway i heard that MOZART and BEETHOVENS songs should be listened to while studying.However for me,anything except SOULJA BOY would be fine.. With that everybody i leave you with the link to one of my most hatred songs..CRANK DAT EVERYBODY>>SOULJA BOYY ...OK BYE

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