Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jons mad skills

Okay so anyway this is inspiration to us all .We all can succeed if we want to.Here is a story.....It all started at the Bangkung park one fine day.There was a young boy playing with his barbie dolls in the park.That boy was called Jonathan Gui.Suddenly BHAAMMM he got smacked with a ball which hit his stomach. .. His grandfather,(the guy who caught botak chin or is botak chin..i dont know) rushed up and said "HEY PUNKK..why you kick the ball so hardd?got small kids around here"Jon was feeling okay physically but he was hurt deep down,really embarresed. That was when the young girl changed into a pro man..YET Today he is here stronger then ever..and has mad skills..I mean i have a lot more skills of coursee..PFFTT but this is about JON..Moral of the story..JON IS PRO>>OK BYE

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