Tuesday, September 22, 2009


PLOP PLOP...i know what your thinking but no its not the sound of me going to the toilet.Its the sound of me dropping something...AGAIN.Why do i do this?Pure carelessness?Short pockets?Greasy hands?It could be anything but i put it down to one thing and one thing alone..KLUTZITIS..Klutzitis?What is Klutzitis?If you dont know what its klutzitis go and die la ah.Your damn dumb.Im joking but thats what the great Mr Raj wouldve said.Now Klutzitis is a dissease?,a phase in adolecense?I dont know but ive had it all along.Okay kluzitis is when someone frequently gets involved in accidents,drops stuff..and destroys stuff.Many objects in this world can be heat proof,Water prooff,shock proof..But they will never be Gavin proof.My phone keeps on falling out of my pockets.Just one day before my trials i fell in the park thanks to MR ANDREW HONG.He pushed me as i was going in on goal.I got injured but the only consolation was i scored the goal.I could barely walk.But as a few days went by my foot got less painful but i still couldnt run or walk properly.What i shouldve done was walk more instead of sitting down in one place to cure it faster.So people with klutzitis like me..If you ever need real life experienced help..I am always here. Ok byee

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