Saturday, September 26, 2009


Okay guys today im feeling depressed.Well actually i shouldve been feeling depressed a few weeks ago but i am today.Want to know why?This is the reason why!!

Dearly beloved, it is with a heavy heart and a sad face that I say this to you this morning.

As of last Friday the 28th August, I have been forced to leave the Manchester rock'n'roll pop group Oasis.

The details are not important and of too great a number to list. But I feel you have the right to know that the level of verbal and violent intimidation towards me, my family, friends and comrades has become intolerable. And the lack of support and understanding from my management and band mates has left me with no other option than to get me cape and seek pastures new.

I would like firstly to offer my apologies to them kids in Paris who'd paid money and waited all day to see us only to be let down AGAIN by the band. Apologies are probably not enough, I know, but I'm afraid it's all I've got.

While I'm on the subject, I'd like to say to the good people of V Festival that experienced the same thing. Again, I can only apologise - although I don't know why, it was nothing to do with me. I was match fit and ready to be brilliant. Alas, other people in the group weren't up to it.

In closing I would like to thank all the Oasis fans, all over the world. The last 18 years have been truly, truly amazing (and I hate that word, but today is the one time I'll deem it appropriate). A dream come true. I take with me glorious memories.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have a family and a football team to indulge.

I'll see you somewhere down the road. It's been a fuckin' pleasure.

Thanks very much.



Noel Gallagher i dont know why you had to leave.After all the club you so dearly love(Manchester City) isnt going to win anything.Theyve lost to Manchester United and they will lose a lot more.Their not winners.Now freaking get back with OASIS If your reading this.Manchester City will just take money from your season tickets and use it to buy explosives for AL QAEDA>> Noel for your own good..Stop supporting CITY..Okay guys here i leave you with the song which the oasis website claims is the best song in HISTORY...LIVE FOREVER...
Okay BYE

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am sitting down here doing math homework that MR Raj gave in front of this screen.Because i am such a dilligent student,I am listening to music while i do it.Suddenly i just hear this guy shouting..YOUUUUUUU...and i lose my concentration.I then realise the song CRANK DAT is playing.It beats me why soulja Boy cant spell.He spells the word "that" as "DAT" but thats going off topic.Now,i am going to go more off topic. I cant even imagine why the guys at MR Raj last year would dance to the song "CRANK DAT" at Mr Raj`s party.I mean would you think and old cranky guy would listen to SOULJA BOY..Hell even i find SOULJA BOY IRRITATING..Okay anyway i heard that MOZART and BEETHOVENS songs should be listened to while studying.However for me,anything except SOULJA BOY would be fine.. With that everybody i leave you with the link to one of my most hatred songs..CRANK DAT EVERYBODY>>SOULJA BOYY ...OK BYE

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


PLOP PLOP...i know what your thinking but no its not the sound of me going to the toilet.Its the sound of me dropping something...AGAIN.Why do i do this?Pure carelessness?Short pockets?Greasy hands?It could be anything but i put it down to one thing and one thing alone..KLUTZITIS..Klutzitis?What is Klutzitis?If you dont know what its klutzitis go and die la ah.Your damn dumb.Im joking but thats what the great Mr Raj wouldve said.Now Klutzitis is a dissease?,a phase in adolecense?I dont know but ive had it all along.Okay kluzitis is when someone frequently gets involved in accidents,drops stuff..and destroys stuff.Many objects in this world can be heat proof,Water prooff,shock proof..But they will never be Gavin proof.My phone keeps on falling out of my pockets.Just one day before my trials i fell in the park thanks to MR ANDREW HONG.He pushed me as i was going in on goal.I got injured but the only consolation was i scored the goal.I could barely walk.But as a few days went by my foot got less painful but i still couldnt run or walk properly.What i shouldve done was walk more instead of sitting down in one place to cure it faster.So people with klutzitis like me..If you ever need real life experienced help..I am always here. Ok byee

To tell you the truth i dont really get the video neither do i think it is that funny.However,if you find it funny do not hesitate to laughh because maybe it is.Im sitting on the fence here. You must be wondering to yourself now why this guy is blabbering and blabbering.The reason i blabbered today is actually not for anything but just to waste your precious time.After all not as if PMR is in 2 weeks right..?Im sorry if i bore you to death but maybe you will thank me because you wont have to sit for PMR.The reason why it is so boring today is because i have mental block loo..Come back another day and i might have a more interesting story..Ok bye

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Safety 101 with Guru Gav

Today i encountered a safety hazard.Before i tell you the moral of the story and safety tip,let me tell you what happened first.I was in the park with barat,anisha,andrew,bryan and Weng(pokemon guy).Anywhoos we were sitting down and chatting..Then my mother came to pick me up from the park.AIYO...why come la ?i can walk by myself..i thought..As i was walking back from the park to the car..This strange chinese lady who walks around with an umbrella at all hours of the day in this area walked an opened the car door...The lady opened the door and said"I want to have dinner.Want to go?"My mother was like wtf .. Mom, told the lady she needed to take me back home and she couldnt go and my mom gave the lady a stare..The lady closed the door but continued standing next to the car..I rushed into the car and went back.Now,i dont think this lady couldve caused much harm physically but you never know right?I think she is just erm a bit off her rocker.But thats besides the point..What if it were a ruthless killer who came into the car.Anyway moral of the story.. Always lock your car door especially when your waiting for someone..OK BYE

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Jons mad skills

Okay so anyway this is inspiration to us all .We all can succeed if we want to.Here is a story.....It all started at the Bangkung park one fine day.There was a young boy playing with his barbie dolls in the park.That boy was called Jonathan Gui.Suddenly BHAAMMM he got smacked with a ball which hit his stomach. .. His grandfather,(the guy who caught botak chin or is botak chin..i dont know) rushed up and said "HEY PUNKK..why you kick the ball so hardd?got small kids around here"Jon was feeling okay physically but he was hurt deep down,really embarresed. That was when the young girl changed into a pro man..YET Today he is here stronger then ever..and has mad skills..I mean i have a lot more skills of coursee..PFFTT but this is about JON..Moral of the story..JON IS PRO>>OK BYE

Friday, September 18, 2009


HE is not only a talented footballer..but also a tv star?I think he should be concentrating more on football...:D

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Thursday, September 17, 2009

ANDREWS 2006 story


In the class of 6 Kreatif, there is a boy named Jonathan. He is quite smart .He has this respiration problem which makes him fart.His farts are really stinky.Silent but violent.

Jonathan likes this girl named Judith.She is really tall and thin.Jonathan was not exactly tall.Jonathan tries to hang out with Judith so she teases him about his height and stinky fart because whenever he is around Judith he gets nervous and lets a bomb.

With Jonathan’s weird behavior, everyone in the class soon found out that Jonathan actually likes Judith. Everyone started teasing him. Jonathan did not even care. He also did not admit it.

In the month of June, Jonathan confessed to Judith without anyone knowing so that people wouldn’t talk about it. “You’re sick, Jon!! “, exclaimed Judith. “At least I am not sick of you,” replied Jonathan. “Get out of my sight midget,” Judith said after she had enough from Jon.So he went.

Jon thought that if he is taller, Judith would actually like him. So did whatever he could to be taller like playing basketball, eating food products that are rich in calcium and many more. His height rose from 2 feet to 6 feet 4 in 3 months. But he failed to make Judith fall for him.But, now everyone stopped calling him a shortie but a coconut tree.

In the month of September, he asked Judith to go out on a date with him. Judith rejected his invitation. Judith told him that she is busy until after UPSR.Jon was fine with that.

He didn’t study for UPSR but sending a lot of sms to Judith. But Judith never replies those sms because she thinks it’s stupid to waste money on a midget like Jonathan.

When it was after UPSR, Jonathan asked Judith to go out on a date with him again.” I rather go out on a date with a pig”, said Judith.”But, I am a pig,” replied Jonathan.Judith slapped Jonathan as hard as she could and said that she doesn’t like people like him.

Jonathan did very badly for his UPSR because he was sending a lot of sms to Judith and not studying. But he still did not regret because Judith is like everything to him.

His parents decided to send him to Wesley Metodist,a private school where he wouldn’t be distracted by Judith.Jonathan was too depressed.

In the month of October, Jon kissed Judith and everyone knew about it. Judith was ashamed but Jon was quite proud of it. Now Judith really hated him and quite embarrassed.

For some strange reason,Jon started teasing that Barathan likes Judith (probaly its true,but who cares!This story is about Jon..ok where was i?).Probaly he thinks he would get Judith’s attention but instead he is making Judith hate him even more!!

He also called Judith’s brother macha (brother in law).Judith was furious but she just kept quiet.He also modified the song called “Start of Something New” ,this are the lyrics :

Living in Judith’s world

Always understand

That Judith really likes me,when I fart a lot!

I always believed in what I think is related to Judith

I always opened my heart to Judith..

Jon loves to fart,when he farts,everyone will lose their noses..He also reads out this poet to Judith :

I wrote your name in the sky,the wind blew it away,

I wrote your name on my ass,and forever it shall stay,

Cuz I will never wash my ass

Moral of the story: Do not be too desperate

PS:THIS STORY IS IN COLABORATION WITH JONATHAN Gui kok WENG`s birthday..WITHOUT THIS GUYS GRANDAD we would be roaming the streets in feearr of botak chin coming up behind us..CHEERS JON..HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY

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ONLINE BETTING WEBSITE...Ever heard of betting on a football match?or even betting on numberss....Paddy power have created so many different things you can bet on.Just to justify how far they have gone..You could bet who would be the next liverpool player to get robbed?But sadly to say it got banned...