Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Granny

Honestly speaking,I'm back here because im bored.I don't really have much to talk and i just wanted to talk rubbish.Anyway yeah yesterday I had like a huge huge dinner,I practically stuffed myself.Yeah thats the bad thing about a buffet dinner at Meridien.For your information,the occasion was my grandmas birthday.Who knows she might even be on this blog..GULP.She is picking up on computers and stuf unusually fast for a 77 year old.Anyway if your here Happy Birthday Granny.Anyway yeah i ate so much i decided to fast today.After all semangat Raya kan?My idea of fasting is different though.I dont eat any like meals,i just drink and eat fruits.I wish i had photos to show but unfortunately i dont.Haix i am a pretty big loser for blogging about my grandmothers birthday.Sorry granny.

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