Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is this what it has become?

Hahaha.I was watching Liverpool yesterday and it was damn sad.Have a look at what people think of Liverpool now

Thank you for voting
Where will Liverpool end up?
Top four21.0 %
Europa League spots29.8 %
Mid-table or lower49.2 %

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Stupid Indians including me

Why indians cannnot be terrorists

1. We are always late; we would have missed all 4 flights.

2. We would talk loudly
and bring attention to ourselves.

3. With free food & drinks
on the plane, we would forget why we're There

4. We talk with our hands
;therefore we would have to put our weapons down.

5. We would ALL want to fly the plane

6. We would argue and start a fight
in the plane.

7. We can't keep a secret
; we would have told everyone a week before doing it.

8. We would have put our country's flag
on the windshield.

9. We would have postponed the mission because a cricket match
was going on that day

10. We would all have fallen over each other to be in the photograph
being taken with one of the hostages.

Happy Birthday Granny

Honestly speaking,I'm back here because im bored.I don't really have much to talk and i just wanted to talk rubbish.Anyway yeah yesterday I had like a huge huge dinner,I practically stuffed myself.Yeah thats the bad thing about a buffet dinner at Meridien.For your information,the occasion was my grandmas birthday.Who knows she might even be on this blog..GULP.She is picking up on computers and stuf unusually fast for a 77 year old.Anyway if your here Happy Birthday Granny.Anyway yeah i ate so much i decided to fast today.After all semangat Raya kan?My idea of fasting is different though.I dont eat any like meals,i just drink and eat fruits.I wish i had photos to show but unfortunately i dont.Haix i am a pretty big loser for blogging about my grandmothers birthday.Sorry granny.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Didnt get it Jokes,Immature people and facts you never knew

*Hides behind bush..And no its not President Bush,neither is it the other sick bush of a woman.An actual real bush.While i think you guys may throw rocks at me if i come out for not updating my blog for so long,You guys just laugh and do not throw because u would think to yourself why would anyone throw stones if hardly anyone even reads my posts.I feel sad.So am i trying to say i would rather people throw stones at me?I dont know.Anyway yes coming up to todays topic..Didnt get it jokes.Alrigtht so the other day i read about an emile heskey joke.The joke was something like this.A new Nigerian player arrived at Aston Villa.On the first day of training the manager kept on saying KICK>>>Ball.>>>Goal.The Nigerian player got so frustrated and told the manager I speak perfect English why are you talking to me like that.The manager replied I wasnt talking to you.I was talking to Emile Heskey.And after i told that story to my brother his reply was"did Martin O`neil really say that" and he wasnt joking.All of us burst into laughter.I guess it mightve been more funny than the actual joke itself.Ps if you dont watch football..ignore.One more joke to keep you guys with me today.Alright so there was a 40 year old man playing with his rubber duck in the tub.Suddenly his wife opened the bathroom door and sunk the rubber duck.The husband replied"Why are you so immature dear?"..Did you get it?:P...Random facts now, The name of Former planet Pluto was invented by a 11 year old girl,A horned toad can shoot blood out of its eyes and whistling does not cause your throat to vibrate.Try it.

Ok bye